Selin Goksel, David Faro, and Stefano Puntoni (2022) “Psychological Causes of Medical Signs Decrease Perceived Severity, Support for Care, and Donations,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research. Read
Gu, Yangjie, Simona Botti, and David Faro (2018), “Seeking and Avoiding Choice Closure to Enhance Outcome Satisfaction,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45(4), 792-809 Read
Ilyuk, Veronika, Lauren Block, and David Faro (2014), “Is It Still Working? Task Difficulty Promotes a Rapid Wear-Off Bias in Judgments of Pharmacological Products,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 775-793. Read
Gu, Yangjie, Simona Botti, and David Faro (2013), “Turning the Page: The Impact of Choice Closure on Satisfaction,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 268-283. Robert Ferber Award, 2014 Read
Faro, David (2010), “Changing the Future by Reshaping the Past: The Influence of Causal Beliefs on Estimates of Time to Onset,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2), 279-291. Robert Ferber Award, Honorable Mention, 2011 Read
Financial decisions, risk and uncertainty
Schanbacher, Anja, David Faro, and Simona Botti (2023) “A joint account with my future self: Self-continuity facilitates adjustment of present spending to future income changes, Journal of Consumer Psychology Read
Schanbacher, Anja, Nazli Gurdamar Okutur, and David Faro (2021), “It’s No Longer ‘Me’:Low Past-Self-Continuity Reduces the Sunk-Cost Bias,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95(1), 104146. Read
Burson, Katherine, David Faro, and Yuval Rottenstreich (2013), “Multiple-Unit Holdings Yield Attenuated Endowment Effects,” Management Science, 59(3), 545-555. Read
Burson, Katherine, David Faro, and Yuval Rottenstreich (2010), “ABC’s of Principal-Agent Interactions: Accurate Predictions, Biased Processes, and Contrasts between Working and Delegating,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 113, 1-12. Lead article Read
Faro, David and Yuval Rottenstreich (2006), “Affect, Empathy and Regressive Mispredictions of Others’ Preferences under Risk,” Management Science, 52(4), 529-541. Read
Faro, David, Ann L. McGill, and Reid Hastie (2013), “The Influence of Perceived Causation on Judgments of Time: An Integrative Review and Implications for Decision-Making,” Frontiers in Cognitive Science, 4, 1-8. Read
Smith, Robert, David Faro, and Katherine Burson (2013), “More for the Many: The Influence of Entitativity on Charitable Giving,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39(5), 961-976. Read
Faro, David, Ann L. McGill, and Reid Hastie (2010), “Naïve Theories of Causal Force and Compression of Elapsed Time Judgments,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(5), 683-701. Read
Faro, David, France Leclerc, and Reid Hastie (2005), “Perceived Causality as a Cue to Temporal Distance,” Psychological Science, 16(9), 673-677. Read