My Academic Papers

Health and well-being

  • Selin Goksel, David Faro, and Stefano Puntoni (2022) “Psychological Causes of Medical Signs Decrease Perceived Severity, Support for Care, and Donations,” Journal of the Association for Consumer Research.
  • Gu, Yangjie, Simona Botti, and David Faro (2018), “Seeking and Avoiding Choice Closure to Enhance Outcome Satisfaction,” Journal of Consumer Research, 45(4), 792-809
  • Ilyuk, Veronika, Lauren Block, and David Faro (2014), “Is It Still Working? Task Difficulty Promotes a Rapid Wear-Off Bias in Judgments of Pharmacological Products,” Journal of Consumer Research, 41, 775-793.
  • Gu, Yangjie, Simona Botti, and David Faro (2013), “Turning the Page: The Impact of Choice Closure on Satisfaction,” Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 268-283. Robert Ferber Award, 2014
  • Faro, David (2010), “Changing the Future by Reshaping the Past: The Influence of Causal Beliefs on Estimates of Time to Onset,” Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2), 279-291. Robert Ferber Award, Honorable Mention, 2011

Financial decisions, risk and uncertainty

  • Schanbacher, Anja, David Faro, and Simona Botti (2023) “A joint account with my future self: Self-continuity facilitates adjustment of present spending to future income changes, Journal of Consumer Psychology
  • Schanbacher, Anja, Nazli Gurdamar Okutur, and David Faro (2021), “It’s No Longer ‘Me’:Low Past-Self-Continuity Reduces the Sunk-Cost Bias,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95(1), 104146.
  • Burson, Katherine, David Faro, and Yuval Rottenstreich (2013), “Multiple-Unit Holdings Yield Attenuated Endowment Effects,” Management Science, 59(3), 545-555.
  • Burson, Katherine, David Faro, and Yuval Rottenstreich (2010), “ABC’s of Principal-Agent Interactions: Accurate Predictions, Biased Processes, and Contrasts between Working and Delegating,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 113, 1-12. Lead article
  • Faro, David and Yuval Rottenstreich (2006), “Affect, Empathy and Regressive Mispredictions of Others’ Preferences under Risk,” Management Science, 52(4), 529-541.


  • Faro, David, Ann L. McGill, and Reid Hastie (2013), “The Influence of Perceived Causation on Judgments of Time: An Integrative Review and Implications for Decision-Making,” Frontiers in Cognitive Science, 4, 1-8.
  • Smith, Robert, David Faro, and Katherine Burson (2013), “More for the Many: The Influence of Entitativity on Charitable Giving,” Journal of Consumer Research, 39(5), 961-976.
  • Faro, David, Ann L. McGill, and Reid Hastie (2010), “Naïve Theories of Causal Force and Compression of Elapsed Time Judgments,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98(5), 683-701.
  • Faro, David, France Leclerc, and Reid Hastie (2005), “Perceived Causality as a Cue to Temporal Distance,” Psychological Science, 16(9), 673-677.